Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the evidence of abundant life

One of the evidences of the manifestation of abundant life is the prosperity of the spirit and the soul beyond the prosperity of the body or of physical things. God is a God of order and whatever He does carries the emblem of divine order. He doesn't break His own protocols hence He will be a God of confusion.
Some of the things we get involved in and are believing for are out of spiritual order.
In the spiritual order of things, God places priority on spiritual prosperity before physical one and He will never support any agenda that is against such.
Now, back to the topic above. God wants us to live in the realm of abundant life. The realm of abundant life is a realm where the spiritual bestows status on the natural and not vice versa. The spirit of antichrist is the one that operates in the reverse order of this.
1Jn 1;1 That which was form the beginning which we have heard, and seen and looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life. Notice verse three, the things we have seen and heard we communicate to you so that you may have fellowship with us and our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
What is he trying to say, if they communicate the word of life, then they surely have abundant life on the inside of them because you can't communicate the word of life if you have not abundant life on the inside- in your spirit.
The word of life is a fragment of the abundant life present on the inside. How do I know, scripture says that out of the abundance of the heart (spirit) the mouth speaks.

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